Full Membership

Membership Classification
Initiation Fee Monthly Dues Food Minimum Qualifications
Resident $1,500 $245 $30 Reside within 30 miles of the Club
Non-Resident $500 $140 $0 Must reside 30+ miles from Club


Membership Privileges Include:

Unlimited Complimentary Green Fees
Thirty (30) day advance tee times
Unlimited Complimentary Driving Range usage
Discount of 20% on Men’s and Ladies’ apparel
Access to Club Tournaments and Events
Complimentary Club Fitting and Lie/Loft Assessment with purchase of Clubs
Access to Private Cart Plan
Unlimited Complimentary Tennis Court Usage
Three (3) Day Advance Court Reservations
Access to Club Tennis Tournaments and Events
Access to Tennis Ball Machine (fees apply)
Unlimited Pool Access
Priority Access to Special Events, Golf and Social Functions
Priority Dining Reservations (when available)
Club Charge Privileges
Access to all Club Social Events
Discounted Room Charges for Event Bookings in Clubhouse
Unlimited Access to Dining


Golf Guest Rates vary by season and day of the week. Please contact the golf pro shop for further details.


For further membership information or for information on specials and promotions,
please contact Kevin Hill at (864) 942-8851 option 8 or [email protected]


Reciprocal Facilities
The Palmetto Club
Columbia,  South Carolina


Reciprocal Privileges available on a space available basis. 
Please call the Pro Shop at 864-942-8861 for your Tee Times.